Sat Nam Rasayan®
Ra Ma Da Sa Healing Meditation
Perugia 2016 Meditations
Meditation: TCH20 02 960722 - Increase the Power of the Infinite Within
TCH20 02 960722 Meditation to Open the Lock of the Heart Center, to Increase the Power of the Infinite Within Mudra: Sit in easy pose with a straight spine. Bring hands approximately 6-8 inches in front of your face, palms flat and facing one another, fingers pointing towards the ceiling, and with approximately a 6-8 inch space between the palms. Elbows are bent and are relaxed down
(a). Movement: With a very fast, powerful jerk, stretch the hands out (b) until there is about 36 inches between the hands (c), and abruptly stop them there. The stopping process will be so abrupt, done with such a powerful force, that you'll find the hands, chest, shoulders, and head jerking back and forth a little bit. This abrupt stopping, and the resulting jerk causes an "opening up your chest cavity with a 'current shock.' You should stretch out like eleven hundred volts have hit you."
Music: Tantric Har. Do not sing aloud. On every Har, you will stretch your arms with such a powerful force, just as if a eleven hundred volts have hit you. Concentrate on this reaction in your chest, and see the effects it has on you.
Eyes: Unspecified.
Time: 11 minutes.
End: Inhale. Hold the breath, but keep on doing the motion. Held 13 seconds. Exhale. Inhale again and continue the motion. Held 8 seconds. Exhale. Inhale deeply, continue. Held 6 seconds. Relax.
Comments/Effects: The chest cavity is called the heart Chakra. This heavy jolt, as you spring your hands and arms apart, will cause a jerking reaction to your chest cavity, which will open up your heart center. Opening of your heart center cavity is opening up to your own Infinity. This center is sometimes referred to as the agan granthi—the place from which all fire-related activites spring—food, digestion, breath, to name a few. When this center is locked, your ribcage is out of placement. Then the diaphragm doesn't act right, and you'll lose one third of your life force. This meditation loosens this lock and will open up the power of the Almighty within you. You must bring forth the entire power of your being, using a great force as you open up and then suddenly stop your arms, and thus shock your central nervous system (the shushmanaa) on the sound of Har. Through this meditation you can move the power of the ida and pingala, and open up the shushmanaa
Meditation: LA831-950320 - Be Intuitive
So tonight, we’ll speak to our internal self. That’s the first time you are going to do it. Please do it right. So, stage by stage we can experience. All right? So, you see, these fingers, their nails there touch like this in the center of the heart center, right here. It’s a very proper place and you don’t have to make a hole there, don’t press it. Just simple, straight. No, no the posture itself will give you a very good posture, very good feeling if you do it right. Just put the nails together and just put those fingers together, right at the point where the chest line is, where the rib line meets and put these two ids, thumbs up, straight and put your eyes at the tip of your nose.
And we are going to play the tape of “Har,” the tantric tape and you have to feel the sound in the tip of these fingers. When you say, “Har, Har, Har.” You have to feel them here at the rib cage, “Har, Har, Har.” That’s all you have to do. All right put the tape on. With the tongue you will say, “Har” the chest line will move with each word “Har.” Chest line must move……. Feel the sound in the chest, rib cage…. Catch up, catch up…… strike it……
If you can resound this mantra sound “Har” in the heart center, in the rib cage, you can control the universe. That power comes to every ordinary person and now you are set. You are now in that twilight zone. You are entering now beyond that. Just remember, when you are doing it, that this sound “Har” is not you are listening in the ears or you are speaking in the tongue. You are having it here. That is intuitive meditation. Understand? And you can feel it in the tip of your all fingers. Jupiter, saturn, sun and mercury. Only your ego, id is out. That’s the combination of the lock.
Now whisper. Whisper, whisper…. Powerfully whisper….. Now go silent. Concentrate the mind in the rib cage and be in the rib cage….. The movement of the rib cage you must feel here . Take care of all your disease today…. Use the pranic force, …. Now put your hands straight up and widen your fingers keep on chanting. Widen them openly…. Now you are equalizing the energy, there’s nothing more to it. Hands up, straight…. Fingers are open like , antennas.
Stretch it out, stretch the spine….. Inhale deep. Inhale deep. Make fist, press it at your chest and press it hard, so that you distribute what you got all over. Press, press, press, press, press. Breathe out. Breathe in again. Deep, and make the fist at your navel point and press hard, as hard as you can. Go, go, go, go. Breathe out, inhale deep. Put your fist on the sides and put your elbows by your rib cage and please put a impact, synchronize your whole body. That will kill the unwanted self of yours and breathe out.
11 Min total.
And now you can relax and there was good eleven minutes, you have spent nicely. It doesn’t take too much centuries to do things. There are six sounds: Har, Harey, Hari, Wa Hey Guru. That’s all. There are six sounds. And if once who can control the six sound in the rib cage, rib cage represents actually the universe. And if you can hear these sound ultimately our idea, then there’s nothing you cannot hear. And once you started intuitively knowing, hearing the nature as Mother Nature speaks, then you know where you stand. You have not yet found yourself, where you come from. My dear folks, emotional living is feeling, living emotional living is existence is not living. Ultimately we need to live within ourselves. So the most important thing is that our pranic energy must come through our health when we need it. And every word spoken of ours should be effective, creative and well understood. And every work which we do or don’t want to do, that has nothing to do with it’s effect, but whatever you say that must create a creative work. It’s called “Applied consciousness”, if you do not know the definition of that word applied consciousness, speak consciously and apply to the creativeness. That is very human. And if you apply the creative consciousness to loftiness or towards the infinity, that’s God, there’s no big deal. And don’t be misled that God is somewhere there or there or there. It is you and your words.